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We're The Same

We're the Same - a song for two similar people who are searching for happiness, joy and love together

Released May 2, 2024

(c) 2024 Bits-n-Pieces Recording

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Telperion Walls

Telperion Walls - a love letter to The Silmarillion

by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Released March 25, 2024

(c) 2024 Bits-n-Pieces Recording

Sugar Cherry Tart

Sugar Cherry Tart -- a song about finding someone you love, who does the same things you love, and is into the same things you love

Released Feb 20, 2024

(c) 2024 Bits-n-Pieces Recording

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Valley of the Doe Queen

The debut album from Bakin Bits! Released Nov 2023.

(c) 2023 Bits-n-Pieces Recording

Take Time, My Friend

Take Time to photograph mental images of all the places you've been, scribe the lessons you've learned, meditate on who you used to be, and aspire to recapture the good things in your past to make you a better person in the present. Take all the Time you need, My Friend, to reflect, learn, and grow.

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Days of My Youth

Go back in time to the special place Bakin Bits' called home in his early childhood, Biglerville, PA, and discover why this place was so magical, and what it means to Bakin today.

Capturing a Perfect Photograph of Cheesman Park

A true story of searching for the perfect photograph that captures the majesty of Denver's Cheesman Park, while meeting someone you didn't expect along the way...


The Story So Far...

Chronicling Bakin Bits' first ventures into music production, this album captures releases from 2020-2021 along various stages of Bakin Bits' growth in recording and producing. Before the folk indie you know and love, there was the electronic indie side of Bakin Bits that saw him grow in his music production abilities. The future is built on the past...

©2022 by Bits-n-Pieces Recording

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